Quinoa cakes

Jun 5, 2024Cakes Recipes

These quinoa cakes are actually the perfect vegetarian burgers. Or, topped with a poached egg, simply served with yogurt or vegetable dip, they are great for parties or served as an appetizer.
By Tamara Novacoviç

A few days ago, I received a lovely package all the way from Canada. Thank you, Zorica! I was extatic about it, as I always am when I’m about to get something from the other part of the world, especially the things that aren’t (always) available on the Croatian market. Among the goodies like black sesame, cream of tartar, sweetened condensed milk etc. was red quinoa. Quinoa is actually available here in specialized stores, but I have never tried red quinoa. It just looks so pretty.

About two years ago, I brought vegetarian burgers to a friend’s barbecue party. They were store bought soy burgers. My friends, ultimate carnivores, teased me a bit about it and were reluctant to grill those burgers. I am not a vegetarian, but I actually don’t eat a lot of meat and like to go “vege” every now and then. I was keen on grilling them because there is a fast food pleace near my apartment that makes the best vegetarian soy burgers in the world and I wanted to try to recreate those. Try being the keyword here. It turned out pretty bad, all I got was coal, they fell apart the moment they touched hot grill. Oh, well.

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These quinoa cakes were a complete success. They are actually vegetarian burgers, they hold up very well and bake nicely. It’s a shame that this healthy gluten-free grain is not more present on the menu. Quinoa is so versatile, you can use it both in savory and sweet dishes. These cakes are a hit, topped with some poached egg, or simply served wit a yogurt/cream or vegetable dip, they are great for parties or served as an appetizer.


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These quinoa cakes are actually the perfect vegetarian burgers. Or, topped with a poached egg, simply served with yogurt or vegetable dip, they are great for parties or served as an appetizer.

  1. Rinse quinoa and cook it in 1 cup of salted water for about 20 minutes. Drain well.
  2. Finely chop garlic, onion, parsley. Add cooked quinoa, 2 lightly beaten eggs and grated cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste. In the end, add breadcrumbs and let stand for a few minutes, so that they soak extra liquid. Shape the mixture into medium-sized cakes, lightly press each with your palms.
  3. In a skillet, heat olive oil. Bake cakes for 5-7 minutes on each side, until the get nice, brown color.


Tamara Novakoviç

Tamara Novakovic is a passionate self-taught cook, food blogger, freelance food writer and photographer behind bite-my-cake.blogspot.com. Her life journey has led her through Faculty of Humanities in Zagreb, Croatia to discovering passion for making cakes. She is currently a weekly food columnist for Croatian newspaper V magazine and food magazine Repete.

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