Hot Chocolate Banana Green Monster

Aug 5, 2018Hemp Butter Recipes

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Good morning!

My weekend was a complete blur…I ended up baking and packaging 400 Glo bars on Saturday and Sunday. Ummm…hell to the yea!!!

Speaking of Glo Bars, check out this Glo Bar giveaway on The Healthy Diary!

It was a craaaazy weekend, for both Eric and I.

I almost passed out in a ball on the floor when I attempted to do Whittle My Middle Sunday night. The ab challenge is still going well. I actually can’t believe it has been 19 days. You can check out my workouts this weekend on my Run page and my Abs page, as always.

This morning it was quite cold in the house so I decided to try out a hot (as in temperature, not spice) green monster. This was my second time having a hot Green Monster. I made one back in September, trying to recreate the hot juice I had at Fresh.


Hot Chocolate Banana Green Monster


  • 3 cups cooked spinach
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 scoop Amazing Grass Chocolate Amazing meal powder
  • 1 T chia seeds
  • 1 T almond butter
  • 1 cup hemp milk

After blending, I heated it in the microwave for 30 seconds and then stirred it well.


The result was pretty blah. I much prefer my green monsters cold!!!! This just didn’t taste refreshing to me at all. I will stick to my Green tea to warm me up and keep the GM’s cold. 😉


FYI: Project Feed Me Week 8 items are up!

Now onto the renos of the weekend!

In case you don’t remember…this is what our entry way looked like back in January 2009 when we first started working on it. We stripped the wall paper on the wainscoting and the border (not shown below) to start with.


Here I am in January 2009 scraping it off.


It was not fun and took us hours and hours and hours!

We sort of abandoned the front entry way for a few months because we started working on other renos, like the family room and living room.

Last week, we finally picked out the paint colours for the entry way. It took us about a week to decide. We knew we wanted the colour light and neutral.


Eric’s job this weekend was priming! My job was baking up my orders. We both put in long 14 hour days both Saturday and Sunday. What a team.


I was so happy because I convinced Eric to buy the Non-VOC paint!!!!!!

Wow, what a world of difference. It was just wonderful not breathing in the nasty fumes. It is worth it for our health and the environment.

Our friend Steve came over to help, and it went by so much quicker. Plus, Eric had someone to chat with. I had the music blasting in the kitchen and it was a very high energy day. That is until I hit my ‘I can’t bake another batch’ wall around 7pm.


Don’t worry, this 70’s style crystal chandelier is on its’ way out. Do you think we can sell it on Ebay??? 😉 I picked out a new chandelier for my birthday back in May and it has been sitting in the box ever since! Eric and the boys will be putting the new one up next week.

Until then, we rock it 70’s vibes in our house…a disco ball perhaps?


They didn’t have time to prime the Cotton Candy Hallway. It looks even more pink next to the stark white! Eric will start this pink hallway tonight. We also forgot about the front closet (shown right). Agh! So that needs to be done too…and empty out all the stuff and donate it to good will.


It looks so much better even with just the primer on! The boys did great work.


Before and mid-way: (don’t mind the reno mess!)


Cute story about Sketchie: Every time we walk up or down the stairs, he runs under the plastic and runs along the side of the stairs to scare us, lol. So cute.

Next up after priming the pink hallway is painting the colour on the walls. We chose Biscuit by Sherwin Williams and Pure White by SW (for wainscoting). I think it will be really nice and bright.

Long term goals for the front entry way:

  • New flooring (we are thinking slate)
  • Paint the front door to make it ‘pop’ (any colour ideas?)
  • Furniture (I’d love a nice cabinet- will probably thrift one off Craigslist)
  • Art for walls

Do you have any walls in your current place that you are desperate to change the colour? Have you ever lived somewhere where you hated the colours on the walls? Did you change them?

Back in university, I rented a house with some other girls. Eric and I removed all of the glued-on (and smoke stained) yellow wallpaper. It took forever because of the glue. Then we painted my bedroom a beautiful forest green (accent wall) and pale lavender. It looked so much better. I also had a bathroom that was the nastiest shade of green that you can imagine. I was too lazy to do anything about it though and just lived with it.

Fresh paint can do wonders- just like a new haircut!

I hope you enjoyed your (holiday) weekend! 🙂 Let the Christmas season officially BEGIN!!


Let’s get social! Follow Angela on Instagram @ohsheglows, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Google+

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